
  • Talent Recruitment
456 West Olive Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94086
(408) 730-7232
8:00am–5:00pm Monday–Friday
  • About

    NOVAworks generates opportunity and career growth throughout Silicon Valley by helping individuals find employment and businesses source qualified candidates.

    What is NOVAworks and what can it do for you?

    NOVAworks provides nationally recognized workforce services for businesses and job seekers from its offices in San Mateo and Sunnyvale. NOVAworks, which receives funding through the federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), has a number of services that might surprise you.

    In addition to providing comprehensive services to job seekers throughout Silicon Valley, NOVAworks’ services for businesses include:

    • Staffing and recruitment assistance
    • Linkages to labor market information
    • Outplacement assistance
    • Connections to information about business tax credits and resources to help you train and retain your current workforce

    If growing your workforce is in your plans, give NOVAworks a call and speak with a business liaison.

    NOVAworks is your partner for business success.